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Gömmarens (lake) nature reserve

Space of the nature reserve: 768 hectares (20 of which consist of water in lake Gömmaren) Within the Gömmaren Nature Reserve there is the ”Natura 2000 area” Fullersta mill with an area of a total of 3.8 ha. Lake Gömmaren is watered down by Fullerstaån (creek), or Gömmarbäcken (creek) it is also called. The waters of the Fullerstaån reach Kalvfjärden in the Baltic Sea at Tyresö Castle via Tyresån's naval system. Another outflow from the “Gömmarreservatet” is also called Gömmarbäcken(Hide brook) and flows through stockholm county's third deepest ravin, Gömmarravinen, at eight meters to finally flow into Lake Mälaren at Vårby. The area is of great importance for outdoor life, as it is adjacent to several built-up parts of Huddinge municipality (Masmo, Kungens kurva, Segeltorp, Snättringe, Fullersta, Glömsta and others). Many trails, running tracks and an electric light track run within the area. Gömmarens nature reserve is suitable for hiking, skiing and swimming//Wikipedia

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